Tuesday, July 19, 2011

On Education In Taiwan

Education is one of the most important processes in today’s society. We all have to go through education in order to understand how society works and what’s going on around us.
In the past, the economy wasn’t as good as now and the average educational level of people in Taiwan was only elementary school-graduate or junior high school-dropout. The ratio of literate people was very low then.
When the economy started to take off, the educational level has also gradually risen. People started to pay attention to education since they wanted to keep up with society. However, there weren’t as many schools as now, so many people began working after graduating from junior high school.
 Now, there are schools everywhere, good and bad ones. You can go to a university with an entrance exam score of only 8 points. What’s going on What has education in Taiwan become The most ridiculous thing is, the government is about to execute the “12-year compulsory education” plan, which means there will be no entrance tests for high school anymore. The result of this is that students will be less competitive and no longer have interest in learning. I hope our government can wake up and consider the consequences of their policy will have on the education of our next generation!

 by Mark (Grade 7, Dong Shan Junior High)

On Diligence

As the proverb goes, where there’s a will there’s a way. As long as we put a lot of efforts into something, succeeding is always possible. One who is diligent will make use of his time to achieve his own goal. A person who has no goal will waste most of his time and do nothing. It is said that diligence can compensate stupidity. It’s always possible for us to be successful with making efforts. We have to get rid of our laziness so we can reach our goal easily. Of intelligence and diligence, the former makes us think clearly, and the latter fosters our perseverance.   

by  Winnie (grade 7, Dong Shan Junior High)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I painted this window in 2008 for Panda class

Saturday, July 09, 2011



PUPPY CLASS  2009 - 2011
Puppy Graduation Speech July 8th 2011

Puppy Graduation Play July 8th 2011
