Thursday, April 14, 2011


The Most Precious Thing in My Room

Everyone must have a precious thing that they keep in their room or somewhere else. It must be important to them, as it is full of memories.

I think the most precious thing in my room is my blanket. It may not be important to others, but it is my treasure. I have had that blanket since I was small. I've been using it until now.

When my friends ask what I would take if I could only bring one thing on a long trip, I always answer: my blanket. My precious blanket! Then they say I am childish.

People can say that my blanket is a rag. They can criticize that it is old and smelly. I don’t really care! I will always love my old blanket and never throw it away.

by Florence, 13 (7th grade - St. Frances Junior High School )

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